W.E.B. Du Bois – Maria Luisa Alvarez Harvey Honors College

Honor Societies
JSU offers over 31 national and international general and departmental honor societies for students who achieve high scholastic standing during their tenure at the university. Students who meet the requirements for invitation for an honor society are notified to complete an application for membership. You can find the list of honor societies, requirements and contact information on the following link below.
JSU Honor Societies Requirements and Contact Information
For a complete list of honor societies and scholastic requirements, please contact 601-979-2107.
Alpha Chi
Membership is open to all disciplines, is limited to the top 10% of an institution’s juniors, seniors, and graduate students.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ella Moore-Boyd
Contact Information: ella.g.moore@orkexpo.net or 601-979-2789
Alpha Epsilon Lambda
Membership is open to students who, after having earned at least 12 hours of graduate study, have a GPA placing student in the top 35% of graduate students; a record of leadership and service to graduate students or graduate student organizations
Advisor: Debra Washington
Alpha Kappa Mu
Membership is open to full-time juniors, seniors and graduate students in good standing; juniors should have completed at least 50% of graduation requirements and rank in upper 10% of class. Entering graduate students should have at least a 3.3 GPA and rank in the upper 10% of the class. Continuing graduate students should have completed a minimum of 15 hours and have a 3.7.
Advisor: Dr. Loria Brown-Gordon
Contact: loria.c.brown@orkexpo.net or 601-979-2107
Alpha Lamba Delta
Alpha Lambda Delta was founded at the University of Illinois in 1924, specifically to honor excellence in academic achievement by students in their first year of study in higher education. The constitution states its purpose as follows:”…to encourage superior academic achievement…to promote intelligent living and a continued high standard of learning and to assist students in recognizing and developing meaningful goals for their roles in society.” In addition to the initial recognition described, the Society has numerous programs to encourage continued superior classroom performance, such as awards, national workshops, campus activities and fellowships and loans for undergraduate, graduate, and professional study.
Membership is open to all freshmen who meet the following academic qualifications:
A student must be enrolled full-time for a course of study leading to a bachelor’s degree.
The minimum scholastic average is a grade of 3.5 or above.
Eligibility is based on either grades of the first full curricular period or on the cumulative average of the first year in college.
Once initiated, the student becomes a life member of Alpha Lambda Delta
Advisor: Latonya Robinson-Kanonu (latonya.d.robinson@orkexpo.net or 601-979-1494)
Alpha Mu Gamma (Modern Foreign Languages)
Contact Ms. Velasquez for requirement information
Advisor: Ms. Esperanza Velasquez
Contact: esperanza.m.velasquez@orkexpo.net or 601-979-2866
Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice)
Membership Requirements:
Membership for Criminal Justice majors is open to undergraduate students who have completed at least one-third of the total hours toward graduation, have a 3.2 GPA, and rank in the top 35% of the class; and graduate students who have a 3.4 GPA.
Advisor: Dr. Vineeth Vijayan
Contact: vineeth.vijayan@orkexpo.net
Alpha Sigma Lambda (Continuing Education)
Membership is open to undergraduate Liberal Arts majors with at least 24 hours toward graduation completion.
Advisor: Dr. Deidre L. Wheaton
Contact: deidre.l.wheaton@orkexpo.net or 601-432-6515
Beta Beta Beta Biological Society
Membership is open to sophomore Biology majors who have completed at least three semesters and have a 3.0 GPA.
Advisor: Dr. Joseph Cameron
Contact: joseph.a.cameron@orkexpo.net or 601-979-2586
Beta Gamma Sigma (Business)
SENIORS (UPPER 10%) AND GRAD STUDENTS BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MAJORS. Rank in upper 10%. Graduates rank in upper 20% of class.
Beta Kappa Chi (Natural Science/Mathematics)
Contact Dr. Wright for requirement information
Advisor: Dr. Terrance Wright
Contact: terrance.wright@orkexpo.net or 601-979-0873
Blue and White Tassel Chapter of Mortar Board
For Information about Mortar Board – Click Link
To View Current Tapping Class – Click Link
Blue Honor Key Society
Membership is open to strong sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students who have demonstrated a record of success in scholarship, leadership and service; minimum GPA of 3.0.
Chi Alpha Epsilon
Sophomores, students who were admitted via developmental studies, student support services, etc. Must hold 3.0 GPA for two consecutive semesters.
Advisors: Stacy Davison and Dr. Shirley Burnett
Contact: stacy.davison@orkexpo.net, 601-979-1393 or shirley.f.burnett@orkexpo.net, 601-979-1394
Chi Alpha Sigma (Athletics)
Membership is open to selected student-athletes. Selection for membership is by an athletic department designee in consultation with the individual’s head coach and is based on outstanding scholarship, earned athletic letter winner, and excellent character and citizenship.
Advisor: Ms. Genese Lavalais
Contact: genese.a.lavalais@orkexpo.net or 601-979-1997
Epsilon Pi Tau (Technology)
Advisor: Dr. Jessica L. Murphy
Contact: jessica.l.murphy@orkexpo.net or 601-979-1145
Golden Key
Membership is open to student in all disciplines sophomore through graduate status who are enrolled full-time and are in the top 15% of their class.
Kappa Delta Pi (Education)
Contact Dr. Smith for requirement Information
Advisor: Dr. Ingrad Smith
Contact: ingrad.smith@orkexpo.net or 601-979-2351
Lambda Pi Eta(Speech Communication &Theater)
Students must be a Mass Communication and or Theater major.
Advisor: Dr. Candace Brown
Contact: candace.a.brown@orkexpo.net or 601-979-3332
Phi Alpha Alpha (Public Policy & Administration)
Contact Mrs. Stokes for requirement information
Advisor: Mrs. Ester Stokes
Contact: ester.w.stokes@orkexpo.net or 601-432-6277
Phi Alpha (Social Work)
SECOND SEMESTER FRESHMEN, SOCIAL WORK MAJORS. 3.0 GPA, 3.25 in SW classes. Graduate students 3.5 GPA. $20 fee.
Advisors: Ms.Candace Riddley and Ms. Bernice G. McKenny
Contact: candace.l.riddley@orkexpo.net, 601-979-4170 or bernice.g.mckenny@orkexpo.net, 601-432-6832
Phi Alpha Theta (History)
Membership is open to students who have earned at least 12 hours in history or history majors who have earned at least a 3.1 GPA and are in the top 35% of class.
Advisor: Dr. Mark Bernhardt
Contact: mark.a.bernhardt@orkexpo.net or 601-979-2495
Phi Epsilon Kappa (Health, Physical Ed. & Rec.)
Membership is open to top scholars in the Health, Physical Education and Recreation Department.
Advisor: Dr. Gwen Dawkins
Contact: gwendolyn.s.dawkins@orkexpo.net or 601-979-2770
Phi Theta Kappa
Organization: Membership is open to students who have demonstrated scholarship at a two-year institution.
Advisor: Galina Bennett
Contact: galina.m.bennett@orkexpo.net pt 601-979-1784
Scholarship: To apply for our PTK scholarship, you will need to be admitted to Jackson State University and be an active member of the organization. You will also need to have an Associates Degree with 60 transferable hours.
Scholarship Coordinator: Pamela Johnson
Contact: pamela.d.johnson@orkexpo.net or 601-979-8636
Pi Lambda Theta (Education)
Membership is open to sophomore through graduate level education majors who have a 3.5 GPA.
Advisor: Dr. Laverne Allen-Gentry
Contact: laverne.a.gentry@orkexpo.net or 601-979-2351
Pi Mu Epsilon (Mathematics)
Membership is open to math majors who are sophomore through graduate level who are in the top third of the class or who have a 3.0 GPA.
Pi Sigma Alpha Honors Society
Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society
Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society is a national honor society for political science students. It rewards and encourages scholarship and discourse. The Jackson State University Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, Nu Mega Chapter, is sponsored by the Department of Political Science. In order to be eligible a student must have completed at least 18 credits of political science courses, have a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 or higher and have a political science cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher. Members need not be political science majors. However, they must meet the minimum course requirements. For more information about Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society, contact its adviser, Dr. Lolita D. Gray, by phone: 601-979-2725; or by email: lolita.d.gray@orkexpo.net., or Dr. Byron D’Andra Orey, by phone: 601-979-1505; or by email: byron.d.orey@orkexpo.net.
Why you should join!
- Recognition of academic excellence!
- Right to wear honor regalia
- National Student Conference
- Scholarships for graduate study
- Best paper awards
- Annual chapter activity grants
Link to National Organization: http://office2248.wixsite.com/pi-sigma-alpha
2016-2017 Officers
Jasmine Jackson- President
Jauan Knight- Vice President
Courtney Body- Secretary
Kesicia Dickinson- Treasurer
Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science)
Membership is open to political science majors who are juniors through graduate level. Undergraduates must complete half of credits toward degree, 10 credits of Political Science, have at least a B average, and rank in top third of the class. Graduate students must have 9 credits in Political Science and 3.0 GPA
Advisor: Dr. Byron Orey
Contact: byron.d.orey@orkexpo.net or 601-979-2136
Psi Chi (Psychology)
Membership is open to sophomore through graduate level Psychology majors or minors who have completed at least three semesters of Psychology classes, have a 3.0 GPA and are in the top 35% of the class.
Advisor: Dr. Pamela Banks
Contact: pamela.g.banks@orkexpo.net or 601-979-2371
Sigma Pi Sigma (Physics)
Membership is open to sophomore through graduate level Physics majors who have completed three semesters of full-time coursework and three courses in Physics.
Advisor: Dr. Carl Drake
Contact: carl.drake@orkexpo.net or 601-979-3624
Sigma Tau Delta (English)
Membership is open to English majors who are sophomores through graduate level who have completed at least two English courses or literature beyond freshman English, rank in the top 35% of class, have completed at least three semesters, and have at least a 3.0 GPA.
Advisors:Dr. Rashell Smith-Spears, Dr. Sheila S. Salins, Dr. Noel E. Didla, and Dr. Helen J. Crump
Contact: rashell.smith-spears@orkexpo.net, 601-979-5859 or sheila.s.salins@orkexpo.net, 601-979-1480 or noel.e.didla@orkexpo.net, 601-979-0377 or helen.j.crump@orkexpo.net, 601-979-5864, 601-979-5890
Tau Sigma (Transfer)
Membership is open to transfer students who have earned at least a 3.5 GPA as a full-time Jackson State University student.
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Organization Mission/Purpose:
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) is an honors organization that recognizes and elevates high achievers. NSCS provides career and graduate school connections, leadership and service opportunities and gives out a million dollars in scholarships annually. NSCS members are deeply committed to scholarship, leadership and service and as a result, are impacting their campus and local communities every day.
2020-2021 Officers:
David Bernard– President
Jamee McAdoo– Executive Vice-President
Amaris Edwards– Star Status Coordinator
Kecia Ramsey– Treasurer
Courtney Logan – Secretary
Kya Green– Vice-President of Community Service
Jordan Greenwood– PACE Chair
Kayla Singleton & Sydney Bridgwaters – Active Minds Co-Chairs
Jhanae Harris– Vice-President of Public Relations & Recruitment
Kia Jackson- March 2 College Chair
Kayla Carter– Vice-President of Social Media
Ricky Lunford- CAB Representative
Britasia Burks-SGA Representative
Dr. Pamala Heard, Director of Honors Student Services and Activities
How to Join:
NSCS membership is by invitation only
David Bernard, President- J00856707@students.orkexpo.net
Dr. Pamala Heard, Advisor – 601.979.3418 or pamala.heard@orkexpo.net
The Society for Collegiate Leadership and Achievement
The Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement (SCLA) honors student achievement and empowers the next generation of leaders. Our members become leaders who stand out from the crowd!
Current Officers:
President: Eliza Garcia
Vice President: ArTaisha Bridge-Shumate
Secretary: Jazmy Bates
Treasurer: Teresa Green
Student Government Association Representative: Jazmy Bates
CAB Representative: Jacqueline James
Public Relations: Marlisa Scott
Dr. Pamala Heard, Director of Honor Student Services and Activities by email at pamala.heard@orkexpo.net or by phone at 601.979.3418
How to Join:
Email name and J number to Eliza Garcia
President Eliza Garcia at elizacgarcia@gmail.com
W.E.B. Du Bois – Maria Luisa Alvarez Harvey Honors College, Charles F. Moore Building – Room 105
1400 J.R. Lynch Street
P.O. Box 17004,
Jackson, MS 39217
Phone: 601.979.2107
Fax: 601.203.6190